Thursday, March 11, 2010

Announcing--Looks & Books

I am proud to officially announce that the blog's new home is now ready for public consumption! Looks & Books is Boston Book Bean's new and improved voice, merging fashion and books (with a few fun random bits) in one place.

If you are a subscriber, please remember to update your feed and bookmarks, and spread the word! I will see you over there. Thanks for reading. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Birth: Rebirth

Tomorrow, Boston Book Bean celebrates its first birthday! It's been great blogging here, posting on such varied topics as my weekends, girl crushes, David Bowie, and poetry. When I first started this blog, I was unsure of what I wanted to say, so I tried to say it all. But it's time for a change--to celebrate Book Bean's birthday, she's getting a full renovation.

Stay tuned for a completely new look, new link, and new posts! I'm really excited about it and I hope you are too. I'm hoping to launch the new site next week. I will post the official announcement here.

Happy Weekend everyone!