Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eat Your Heart Out, Peggy Olsen

Mad Men is one of the best shows on television right now. People keep telling you this, and you're probably tired of hearing it, but it's true. Just watch it. Season 2 just came out on DVD, so I'm scrambling to watch before the Season 3 premiere on August 16th. It's not a challenge to curl up on the couch with 2 hours of Don Draper a night though.

The delightful Pop Candy alerted me to the new promotional website the show's network, AMC, has created for the show, where you can "Mad Men Yourself" and create your own little 60s avatar of yourself. I was tempted to go with more of a Joan Holloway, martini-bar vibe, but let's be honest--I'm more of the Peggy Olsen type (though Betty Draper is my favorite).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

First Couple

I just love this photo. I don't know why--maybe it's the lighting, maybe it's Michelle's dress, or her hair, or the way they're holding hands and smiling all shyly. I kind of love that these people are our leaders.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

What I Should Have Been Doing yesterday, on a lovely, sunny Sunday:

Drive down to the Beach to:

Listen to records on this adorable portable record player.

Wear this lovely Anthropologie swimsuit.

Enjoy a delicious frozen lemonade.

Eat a bag full of my favorite RI delicacy, clam cakes.

What I actually did yesterday:
Cleaned my apartment to ready for the impending packing process and Big Move--just barely six weeks left and running out of time!

Hope you all made use of your sunny Sundays better than I did!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daria on DVD--Coming Soon....

This makes me very happy.

Almost as happy as getting my copy of this in the mail today (fingers crossed).